Nick Porcellato, Simultaneous Interpreter and Language Consultant.

Quality that exceeds your expectations

Nick Porcellato

Simultaneous interpreter & Media interpreter.


Live interpreter for TV/press/events/conferences


Nick Porcellato, Simultaneous Interpreter and Language Consultant.

Simultaneous Interpreting

The interpreter works in a sound-proof booth at the venue (or remotely/RSI) with unobstructed view of the event. Interpretation will happen simultaneously using headphones, microphone and receivers for the listeners.

Consecutive Interpreting

The interpreter sits down at a table with the client (or virtually), they will listen, take note and consecutively report in the other language what has been said. This can also be done on stage.

Live interpreter for TV/press/events/conferences:

Written translations, literary translations, editing, copywriting, proofreading, language revisions in English and Italian.

About Me


Conference interpreter and Translator. Language expert.

Simultaneous and consecutive translations, media interpreter, liaison interpreter, chuchotage.

Bilingual English-Italian interpreter, with 13+ years’ experience as a conference/simultaneous interpreter (sometimes referred to as simultaneous translator or live translator).

I am a detail-oriented person, striving for utmost-quality language services, with great public speaking skills and a trained, mic-friendly voice.

I have been working as a simultaneous interpreter since 2009. I’ve worked in all kinds of events: from small b2b negotiations, to big international events, to ministerial conferences, to national and international TV and Radio programs.

I can do my job sitting down at a table with my client (or virtually) as a consecutive interpreter, I will listen, take note and consecutively report in the other language. This can also be done on stage.

I can do my job inside a sound-proof booth at the venue (or remotely/RSI), here I will see what takes place in front of me and I will simultaneously translate that into the other language using headphones and microphone.

My job is not limited to translating from one language into another, simultaneously or consecutively. 

My cross-cutting professional skills have helped politicians memorize speeches, professionals improve their pronunciation, reduce their accent and enunciate clearly.
Upon request, I am available worldwide.

My clients.


- Enel
- Forever Living
- Presidenza della Repubblica
- Angelini
- Vatican
- Autostrade
- Enel
- Scuderie del Quirinale
- Alpro
- La Sapienza University
- Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
- Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
- Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God


- Al Jazeera English
- CNN World
- Mediaset
- RaiNews24
- La7
- TV2000
- CBC Radio 1
- Rai Radio 3
- RepubblicaTV